جستجوی سخنران

RowName - FamilyProgram TopicTimeVenue
1 Fatemeh Abdi Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis /Updates on Medical Retina: Management Updates on Management of Retinal Arterial and Vein Occlusions  28  October
12:18 - 12:30

Hall 2
2 Fatemeh Abdi Nursing Program: Pre & Postoperative Care of Different Ocular Surgeries Pre and Post Operative Care of Retinal Surgeries  30  October
12:00 - 12:15

Hall 2
3 Parisa Abdi Workshop: Congenital Cataract Pre op Evaluation (Role of Vision Screening ‘Evaluation by the Ophthalmologist ‘ Associated Ocular Anomalies and Syndromes)  31  October
08:15 - 08:30

Hall 4
4 Parisa Abdi Workshop: Congenital Cataract Panel Discussion  31  October
09:15 - 10:00

Hall 4
5 Fatemeh Abdi Workshop: OCT and OCTA Interpretation Case-based Discussion  31  October
15:00 - 16:00

Hall 2
6 Parya Abdolalizadeh Nursing Program: Pre & Postoperative Care of Different Ocular Surgeries Pre & Postoperative Care of Cataract Surgery  30  October
10:30 - 10:45

Hall 2
7 Navid Abolfathzadeh 2024 Young Ophthalmologist Programs Professional Ethics and Social Responsibility in Social Media  28  October
16:30 - 16:45

Hall 2
8 Navid Abolfathzadeh Workshop: Glaucoma Hot Topics Debate Second Ahmed Valve Versus Revision  29  October
15:00 - 15:15

Hall 4
9 Navid Abolfathzadeh Nursing Program: Pre-operative Information about Different Ocular Surgeries Pre-operative Information about Glaucoma Surgery  30  October
09:15 - 09:30

Hall 2
10 Abbas Abolhasani Films & Photos Festival Traumatic Cataract & Secondary Angle Closure Glaucoma Management  30  October
10:30 - 10:35

Main Hall
11 Kaveh Abri Aghdam Strabismus Subspecialty Day: New Techniques in Strabismus Surgery Nishida Procedure Outcomes  28  October
08:30 - 08:40

Hall 3
12 Kaveh Abri Aghdam Workshop: Imaging in Strabismus Interesting Cases  29  October
17:06 - 17:12

Hall 4
13 Kaveh Abri Aghdam Symposium: Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology Congenital Optic Nerve Anomalies  31  October
08:15 - 08:30

Hall 3
14 Kaveh Abri Aghdam Workshop: Diplopia Neurological Evaluation  31  October
17:00 - 17:15

Hall 4
15 Mohammad Abrishami Ophthalmic Plastic Subspecialty Day: Update in Oculoplasty Questions & Answers  28  October
09:50 - 10:00

Hall 5
16 Mohsen Afroozifar Workshop: Angle Closure Disease Approach to Acute Angle Closure Attack  31  October
09:00 - 09:15

Hall 6
17 Hossein Aghaei Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: New Advances in Ocular Surface Diagnosis and Management OSSN: Medical & Surgical Management  28  October
08:00 - 08:12

Main Hall
18 Hossein Aghaei Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: New Advances in Ocular Surface Diagnosis and Management Panel Discussion  28  October
09:17 - 10:00

Main Hall
19 Hossein Aghaei Workshop: Blepharitis Update on MGD  29  October
08:45 - 09:00

Hall 4
20 Gholam Hosseyn Aghai Ophthalmic Plastic Subspecialty Day: Update in Oculoplasty Questions & Answers  28  October
09:50 - 10:00

Hall 5
21 Gholam Hosseyn Aghai Workshop: Ophthalmic Dispensing Questions and Answers  30  October
15:50 - 16:00

Hall 3
22 Gholam Hosseyn Aghai Workshop: Orbital and Eyelid Trauma Eyelid Case Presentation and Panel Discussion  31  October
09:30 - 10:00

Hall 5
23 Ali Aghajani Ophthalmic Plastic Subspecialty Day: Chalenging Case Experience Case Presentation  28  October
10:40 - 10:50

Hall 5
24 Amir Hossen Aghajani Ophthalmic Plastic Subspecialty Day: Chalenging Case Experience Case Presentation  28  October
11:10 - 11:20

Hall 5
25 Amir Hossen Aghajani Symposium: Periocular Considerations Before Intraocular or Ocular Surface Surgeries Panel Discussion  29  October
16:30 - 18:00

Main Hall
26 Ali Aghajani Symposium: Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology The Apparently Blind Infant  31  October
08:00 - 08:15

Hall 3
27 Masood Aghsaie fard Symposium: Approach to Exotropia Management Case Based Discussion  29  October
08:00 - 10:00

Hall 2
28 Masood Aghsaie fard Symposium: Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology Normal Pediatric Imaging  31  October
09:30 - 09:45

Hall 3
29 Masood Aghsaie fard Symposium: Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology Panel Discussion  31  October
09:45 - 10:00

Hall 3
30 Hamid Ahmadieh Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis /Updates on Medical Retina: Management Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Management  28  October
11:30 - 12:30

Hall 2
31 Mohammad hosein Ahour Workshop: Retinal Emergencies Vitreous Hemorrhage  30  October
14:30 - 14:35

Hall 2
32 Mohammad Reza Akbari Strabismus Subspecialty Day: Challenging Cases in Strabismus and Neurophthalmology Case Presentation  28  October
11:18 - 11:25

Hall 3
33 Mohammad Reza Akbari Symposium: Approach to Exotropia Management Case Based Discussion  29  October
08:00 - 10:00

Hall 2
34 Mohammad Reza Akbari Workshop: Oblique Muscle Dysfunction Superior Oblique Palsy  31  October
14:45 - 15:00

Hall 6
35 Mohammadreza Akhlaghi Workshop: Stepwise Approach for Retinovascular Disorders Key Points in Non-Surgical Management of NPDR and PDR  31  October
15:06 - 15:18

Hall 4
36 Kimia Alborzi Films & Photos Festival Trumpet Flower Made of Fibro Vascular Tissue  30  October
10:35 - 10:40

Main Hall
37 Maryam Ale Taha Workshop: Medico-Legal Considerations of Periocular Cosmetic Surgeries Panel Discussion  29  October
15:30 - 16:00

Hall 2
38 Fateme Alipour Workshop: Myopia Prevention Panel Discussion  30  October
14:30 - 16:00

Hall 6
39 Yousef Alizadeh Symposium: Vitreoretinal Considerations in Anterior Segment Surgeries Preoperative Consideration of Concomittant ERM, VMA, VMT, FTMH Is OCT Necessary for all Patients?  30  October
16:40 - 16:50

Main Hall
40 Ahmad Ameri Strabismus Subspecialty Day: New Techniques in Strabismus Surgery Elongation Surgery in Nystagmus  28  October
09:15 - 09:25

Hall 3
41 Ahmad Ameri Strabismus Subspecialty Day: New Techniques in Strabismus Surgery Panel Discussion  28  October
09:30 - 10:00

Hall 3
42 Abdulrahim Amini Symposium: Multimodal Imaging for Retinal Diseases Updates On Multimodal Imaging in Diabetic Retinopathy  29  October
14:40 - 14:50

Main Hall
43 Heidar Amini Workshop: Decision Making in Glaucoma Surgery When to do Glaucoma Surgery  31  October
14:30 - 14:40

Hall 5
44 Mahdi Aminizadeh Symposium: Updates on Diagnosis and Management of Keratoconus Post LVC Ectasia: Diagnosis and Management  29  October
08:36 - 08:48

Hall 3
45 Mahdi Aminizadeh Workshop: Premium IOL Panel Discussion: Case Presentations - Ethical & Professional Debates on Reimbursements; Surgeon Kickback & Conflict of Interest  31  October
15:10 - 16:00

Hall 3
46 Dima Andalib Strabismus Subspecialty Day: New Techniques in Strabismus Surgery SO split-tendon lengthening in Brown Syndrome  28  October
09:00 - 09:10

Hall 3
47 Dima Andalib Strabismus Subspecialty Day: New Techniques in Strabismus Surgery Panel Discussion  28  October
09:30 - 10:00

Hall 3
48 Shabnam Ansari Glaucoma Subspecialty Day: Glaucoma: One Word Thousand Aspects: Lasers and Medications Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty; Current Insight and Clinical Outcome  28  October
09:00 - 09:20

Hall 4
49 Mohammad reza Ansari Astaneh Symposium: Updates on Treatment for Common Retinal Diseases Imaging of Retina (New Advanced)  31  October
08:30 - 08:45

Hall 2
50 Mohammad reza Ansari Astaneh Workshop: OCT and OCTA Interpretation Case-based Discussion  31  October
15:00 - 16:00

Hall 2
51 Pasha Anvari 2024 Young Ophthalmologist Programs "Social Media in Ophthalmology: Balancing Professional Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Practice Growth"  28  October
16:30 - 17:15

Hall 2
52 Pasha Anvari 2024 Young Ophthalmologist Programs Keys to Success in Early-Career Ophthalmology  28  October
17:15 - 18:00

Hall 2
53 Pasha Anvari 2024 Young Ophthalmologist Programs Career Path Planning  28  October
17:15 - 17:30

Hall 2
54 Pasha Anvari Workshop: Common Mistakes in Retinal Practice: Legal Considerations

1. Professionalism in Ophthalmology
2. Informed Consent and Related Legal Issues
3. How to Deal with and Provide Explanations in Patients with Vitreous and Retinal Problems who Need Surgery and its Legal Problems
4. How to Deal With and Provide Explanations in Patients with Vitreous and Retinal Problems who Need Medical Treatment and its Legal Problems
5. Do and don,t do in Intraocular Injections and its Ethical and legal Issues
6. Problems and Legal Issues in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Postoperative Endophthalmitis
7. How to Follow up and Access Patients Who Have Been Operated and Have Post-Operative Problems
8. How to Deal With Patients With Complications During and After Operation and Their Legal Problems/

 29  October
08:00 - 10:00

Hall 5
55 Pasha Anvari Symposium: Multimodal Imaging for Retinal Diseases Updates on Multimodal Imaging in Uveitis  29  October
15:00 - 15:10

Main Hall
56 Pasha Anvari Workshop: Uveitis and Glaucoma Hypertensive Anterior Uveitis  31  October
16:50 - 17:10

Hall 5
57 Mohammed Areesh Symposium: Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology Panel Discussion  31  October
09:45 - 10:00

Hall 3
58 Reza Asadi Strabismus Subspecialty Day: Challenging Cases in Strabismus and Neurophthalmology Case Presentation  28  October
10:30 - 10:37

Hall 3
59 Reza Asadi Workshop: Ophthalmic Dispensing Questions and Answers  30  October
15:50 - 16:00

Hall 3
60 Esmaeel Asadi Khameneh Workshop: Retinal Emergencies Arterial Occlusion: CRAO--BRAO  30  October
14:35 - 14:41

Hall 2
61 Esmaeel Asadi Khameneh Workshop: Artificial Intelligence Applications of AI in Retinal Diseases  31  October
16:45 - 17:00

Hall 3
62 Saba Asghari Workshop: Cornel Ref Surgery Complications (Surface, F-Lasik) DLK and CTK  31  October
14:40 - 14:50

Main Hall
63 Asieh Aslani Workshop: Blepharitis Update on Bacterial Blepharitis  29  October
08:00 - 08:15

Hall 4
64 Abbas Attarzadeh Strabismus Subspecialty Day: New Techniques in Strabismus Surgery Panel Discussion  28  October
09:30 - 10:00

Hall 3
65 Pejvak Azadi Workshop: Retinal Emergencies Open and Closed Globe Injury  30  October
14:54 - 15:00

Hall 2
66 Ali Azimi Glaucoma Subspecialty Day: Telemedicine and AI in Glaucoma: Today and Tomorrow Visual Field-based Artificial Intelligence in Glaucoma  28  October
11:15 - 11:30

Hall 4
67 Ali Azimi Glaucoma Subspecialty Day: Telemedicine and AI in Glaucoma: Today and Tomorrow Question and Answer, Panel Discussion  28  October
12:00 - 12:30

Hall 4
68 Ali Azimi Symposium: Glaucoma Diagnosis Updates on ONH & Peripapillary OCTs  29  October
08:30 - 08:45

Main Hall
69 Ali Azimi Workshop: When it’s not Glaucoma Case Discussion, Question and Answer  30  October
17:45 - 18:00

Hall 5
70 Mohammadreza Badie Films & Photos Festival IOFB Removal with Magnet Forceps  30  October
10:40 - 10:45

Main Hall
71 Ahmadreza Baghi Workshop: Local Therapies in Uveitis Intravitreal Anti-VEGF Injections; any Proven Indication in Uveitis?  29  October
17:15 - 17:30

Hall 5
72 Shahram Bamdad Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: New Advances in Ocular Surface Diagnosis and Management Panel Discussion  28  October
09:17 - 10:00

Main Hall
73 Shahram Bamdad Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: IOL Associated Complications of Cataract Surgery Management of Opaque IOLs  28  October
15:00 - 15:20

Main Hall
74 Shahram Bamdad Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: IOL Associated Complications of Cataract Surgery Panel Discussion  28  October
15:20 - 16:00

Main Hall
75 Shahram Bamdad Workshop: Cornel Ref Surgery Complications (Surface, F-Lasik) Panel Discussion  31  October
15:30 - 16:00

Main Hall
76 Mohammad Banifatemi Workshop: Angle Closure Disease PI indications, Procedure and Complications  31  October
08:30 - 08:45

Hall 6
77 Behzad Barazandeh Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: Challenging Cases of Anterior Segment Surgery – Video Based Video Case Presenations and Panel Discussion  28  October
16:30 - 18:00

Main Hall
78 Behzad Barazandeh Workshop: Complications of Keratopigmentation Biomechanical Effects  29  October
17:00 - 17:10

Hall 6
79 Rafael Barraquer, MD Workshop: Management of Aniridia Aniridia Keratopathy: Ocular Surface Reconstruction with Limbal and Tissue Transplants  29  October
15:10 - 15:35

Hall 5
80 Rafael Barraquer, MD Workshop: Management of Aniridia Last but not Least: Challenging Cases, Question and Answer  29  October
15:35 - 16:00

Hall 5
81 Fatemeh Bazvand Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis /Updates on Medical Retina: Management Promising Perspectives in Treatment of Inherited Retinal Diseases  28  October
12:06 - 12:18

Hall 2
82 Fatemeh Bazvand Symposium: Multimodal Imaging for Retinal Diseases Updates On Multimodal Imaging in Inherited Retinal Disease  29  October
15:10 - 15:20

Main Hall
83 Hassan Behboudi Retina Subspecialty Day: Interesting and Challenging Cases Intresting and Chalenging Case Presentation  28  October
16:30 - 18:00

Hall 3
84 Hassan Behboudi Workshop: Retinal Emergencies Post Operative Endophthalmitis  30  October
14:41 - 14:49

Hall 2
85 Nazanin Behnaz Workshop: Imaging in Strabismus Interesting Cases  29  October
17:24 - 17:30

Hall 4
86 Nazanin Behnaz Nursing Program: Pre-operative Information about Different Ocular Surgeries Pre-operative Information about Strabismus (Squint) Surgery  30  October
08:30 - 08:45

Hall 2
87 Nazanin Behnaz Workshop: Diplopia Clinical Evaluations  31  October
16:45 - 17:00

Hall 4
88 David Chang Keynote Lectures Overcoming Challenges in High Risk Cataract Surgery  30  October
08:40 - 09:00

Main Hall
89 Stephen P. Christiansen Keynote Lectures Consecutive Exotropia - Risk Factors and Management  30  October
08:00 - 08:20

Main Hall
90 Ramin Daneshvar Workshop: Decision Making in Glaucoma Surgery Surgery in Nanophthalmos Patients  31  October
15:25 - 15:40

Hall 5
91 Seyed Hashem Daryabari Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: New Advances in Ocular Surface Diagnosis and Management LSCD: Diagnosis & Management  28  October
09:04 - 09:16

Main Hall
92 Seyed Hashem Daryabari Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: New Advances in Ocular Surface Diagnosis and Management Panel Discussion  28  October
09:17 - 10:00

Main Hall
93 Seyed Hashem Daryabari Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: Challenging Cases of Anterior Segment Surgery – Video Based Video Case Presenations and Panel Discussion  28  October
16:30 - 18:00

Main Hall
94 Seyed Hashem Daryabari Workshop: Blepharitis Case Presentation / Panel Discussion  29  October
09:00 - 10:00

Hall 4
95 Seyed Hashem Daryabari Workshop: Cataract Surgery in Difficult Situations Cataract Surgery in Floppy Iris Syndrome  29  October
17:00 - 17:10

Hall 3
96 Seyed Hashem Daryabari Workshop: Cataract Surgery in Difficult Situations Panel Discussion  29  October
17:10 - 18:00

Hall 3
97 Seyed Hashem Daryabari Workshop: Complications of Keratopigmentation Difficulties in Anterior Segment Surgeries  29  October
17:20 - 17:30

Hall 6
98 Seyed Hashem Daryabari Workshop: Pterygium Surgery Pterygium Surgeries  30  October
14:48 - 15:03

Hall 4
99 Seyed Hashem Daryabari Workshop: Cornel Ref Surgery Complications (Surface, F-Lasik) Keratectasia Management  31  October
15:00 - 15:10

Main Hall
100 Alireza Dehghani Workshop: Retinal Emergencies IOFB and Post Traumatic Endophthalmitis  30  October
15:00 - 15:08

Hall 2
101 Azadeh Doozandeh Tabarestani Glaucoma Subspecialty Day: Telemedicine and AI in Glaucoma: Today and Tomorrow Clinical Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Glaucoma  28  October
10:30 - 10:45

Hall 4
102 Azadeh Doozandeh Tabarestani Glaucoma Subspecialty Day: Telemedicine and AI in Glaucoma: Today and Tomorrow Question and Answer, Panel Discussion  28  October
12:00 - 12:30

Hall 4
103 Azadeh Doozandeh Tabarestani Symposium: Glaucoma Diagnosis Updates on Tonometry  29  October
08:00 - 08:15

Main Hall
104 Azadeh Doozandeh Tabarestani Workshop: Uveitis and Glaucoma Surgery for Uveitic Glaucoma  31  October
17:30 - 17:50

Hall 5
105 Farideh Doroodgar Workshop: Management of Aniridia Last but not Least: Challenging Cases, Question and Answer  29  October
15:35 - 16:00

Hall 5
106 Amirabdollah Eftekhari Workshop: Stepwise Approach for Retinovascular Disorders Stepwise Therapeutic Approach in DME  31  October
14:54 - 15:06

Hall 4
107 Neda Einollahi Glaucoma Subspecialty Day: Glaucoma: One Word Thousand Aspects: Lasers and Medications Laser Iridotomy and Iridoplasty: Techniques and Clinical Applications  28  October
08:40 - 09:00

Hall 4
108 Bahram Einollahi Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: Lamellar Keratoplasty Comparison of DSAEK vs. DMEK: Evaluating the Current Role of DSAEK and the Delayed Transition to DMEK in Iran  28  October
11:00 - 11:15

Main Hall
109 Neda Einollahi Glaucoma Subspecialty Day: Telemedicine and AI in Glaucoma: Today and Tomorrow Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Telemedicine in Glaucoma  28  October
11:30 - 11:45

Hall 4
110 Neda Einollahi Glaucoma Subspecialty Day: Telemedicine and AI in Glaucoma: Today and Tomorrow Question and Answer, Panel Discussion  28  October
12:00 - 12:30

Hall 4
111 Bahram Einollahi Workshop: ‏Update on CXL and ICRS Synthetic ICRS  30  October
16:50 - 17:10

Hall 4
112 Neda Einollahi Workshop: Uveitis and Glaucoma Medical Therapy for Glaucoma in Uveitis  31  October
17:10 - 17:30

Hall 5
113 Fatemeh Elmi Films & Photos Festival Penetrating Keratoplasty (PKP) + ICCE + Retropupillary Aphakic Artisan Implantation  30  October
10:45 - 10:50

Main Hall
114 Morteza Entezari Symposium: Updates on Treatment for Common Retinal Diseases Update of New Drugs in Treatment of Retinovascular Diseases (Diabetes,RVO,etc)  31  October
09:00 - 09:15

Hall 2
115 Acieh Eshaghi Workshop: Complications of Keratopigmentation Early Complications  29  October
16:40 - 16:50

Hall 6
116 Acieh Eshaghi Nursing Program: Pre & Postoperative Care of Different Ocular Surgeries Pre & Postoperative Care of Corneal Graft surgeries  30  October
11:45 - 12:00

Hall 2
117 Acieh Eshaghi Workshop: Premium IOL Modern 'Presbyopic' IOLs Trends  31  October
14:30 - 14:38

Hall 3
118 Acieh Eshaghi Workshop: Premium IOL Panel Discussion: Case Presentations - Ethical & Professional Debates on Reimbursements; Surgeon Kickback & Conflict of Interest  31  October
15:10 - 16:00

Hall 3
119 Bahram Eshraghi Workshop: Medico-Legal Considerations of Periocular Cosmetic Surgeries Panel Discussion  29  October
15:30 - 16:00

Hall 2
120 Bahram Eshraghi Symposium: Periocular Considerations Before Intraocular or Ocular Surface Surgeries Panel Discussion  29  October
16:30 - 18:00

Main Hall
121 Bahram Eshraghi Keynote Lectures Updates on Thyroid Eye Disease  30  October
08:20 - 08:40

Main Hall
122 Bahram Eshraghi Workshop: Orbital Inflammatory Disorders Case Presentation and Discussion  30  October
16:30 - 17:30

Hall 2
123 Bahram Eshraghi Workshop: Orbital and Eyelid Trauma Complications of Orbital Trauma and Their Management  31  October
08:05 - 08:16

Hall 5
124 Bahram Eshraghi Workshop: Orbital and Eyelid Trauma Orbit Case Presentation and Panel Discussion  31  October
08:30 - 09:00

Hall 5
125 Alireza Eslampoor Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: New Advances in Ocular Surface Diagnosis and Management Dry Eye: Surgical Management  28  October
08:39 - 08:51

Main Hall
126 Alireza Eslampoor Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: IOL Associated Complications of Cataract Surgery Panel Discussion  28  October
15:20 - 16:00

Main Hall
127 Alireza Eslampoor Workshop: Management of Aniridia Definition, Ethiology and Asscoiated Conditions of Aniridia  29  October
14:30 - 14:45

Hall 5
128 Alireza Eslampoor Workshop: Management of Aniridia Last but not Least: Challenging Cases, Question and Answer  29  October
15:35 - 16:00

Hall 5
129 Alireza Eslampoor Workshop: Complications of Keratopigmentation Late Complications  29  October
17:10 - 17:20

Hall 6
130 Alireza Esmaeili Workshop: Decision Making in Glaucoma Surgery Management of Coexisting Glaucoma and Cataract  31  October
14:40 - 14:55

Hall 5
131 Alireza Esmaeili Workshop: Decision Making in Glaucoma Surgery Panel Discussion  31  October
15:40 - 16:00

Hall 5
132 Mohammad Etezad Razavi Ophthalmic Plastic Subspecialty Day: Chalenging Case Experience Case Presentation  28  October
10:30 - 10:40

Hall 5
133 Mohammad Etezad Razavi Workshop: Medico-Legal Considerations of Periocular Cosmetic Surgeries Panel Discussion  29  October
15:30 - 16:00

Hall 2
134 Mohammad Etezad Razavi Workshop: Orbital Inflammatory Disorders Case Presentation and Discussion  30  October
16:30 - 17:30

Hall 2
135 Hooshang Faghihi Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis /Updates on Medical Retina: Management Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Management  28  October
11:30 - 12:30

Hall 2
136 Ghasem Fakhraie Symposium: Glaucoma Diagnosis Questions & Answers  29  October
09:30 - 10:00

Main Hall
137 Azadeh Farahi Strabismus Subspecialty Day: Challenging Cases in Strabismus and Neurophthalmology Case Presentation  28  October
10:54 - 11:01

Hall 3
138 Mohsen Farvardin Symposium: Multimodal Imaging for Retinal Diseases Updates on Multimodal Imaging in Vitreoretinal Interface Disease  29  October
14:50 - 15:00

Main Hall
139 Majid Farvardin Jahromi Strabismus Subspecialty Day: Challenging Cases in Strabismus and Neurophthalmology Case Presentation  28  October
10:42 - 10:49

Hall 3
140 Majid Farvardin Jahromi Workshop: Myopia Prevention Panel Discussion  30  October
14:30 - 16:00

Hall 6
141 Majid Farvardin Jahromi Workshop: Oblique Muscle Dysfunction Weakening Procedure of Oblique Muscles  31  October
15:45 - 16:00

Hall 6
142 Seyed Amin Fatemi Myopia Control Lenses (AZIN DID FARAZ NOVIN Co) Introducing the IMPROVA Myopia Control Lenses, Smart Optiks' Solution to Reduce the Progression of Myopia  30  October
14:00 - 14:30

Hall 6
143 Farhad Fazel Symposium: Updates on Treatment for Common Retinal Diseases Update in Surgical Treatment in Retinal Disease  31  October
09:15 - 09:30

Hall 2
144 Mostafa Feghhi Workshop: Retinal Emergencies Traumatic RD  30  October
15:08 - 15:13

Hall 2
145 Mohadeseh Feizi Strabismus Subspecialty Day: New Techniques in Strabismus Surgery Heavy Eye Syndrome Management  28  October
08:45 - 08:55

Hall 3
146 Sepehr Feizi Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: Lamellar Keratoplasty Principal DALK Techniques: An Overview and Updated Technical Adjustments for Success  28  October
10:45 - 11:00

Main Hall
147 Mohadeseh Feizi Ophthalmic Plastic Subspecialty Day: Chalenging Case Experience Case Presentation  28  October
11:00 - 11:10

Hall 5
148 Mohadeseh Feizi Workshop: Imaging in Strabismus Interesting Cases  29  October
17:12 - 17:18

Hall 4
149 Sahba Fekri Uveitis and Retina Subspecialty Day: Behcet’s Disease Monitoring Ocular Behçet’s Disease Activity  28  October
08:15 - 08:30

Hall 2
150 Sahba Fekri Retina Subspecialty Day: Interesting and Challenging Cases Intresting and Chalenging Case Presentation  28  October
16:30 - 18:00

Hall 3
151 Sahba Fekri Workshop: Local Therapies in Uveitis Intravitreal Steroids Injections; When and Why  29  October
17:00 - 17:15

Hall 5
152 Sahba Fekri Films & Photos Festival Chronic RRD Surgery with Subretinal Band Removal  30  October
10:50 - 10:55

Main Hall
153 Sahba Fekri Films & Photos Festival Full Thickness Macular Hole Surgery- Multiple Flaps Technique  30  October
10:55 - 11:00

Main Hall
154 Sahba Fekri Workshop: Retinal Emergencies Viral Retinitis  30  October
15:18 - 15:24

Hall 2
155 Sahba Fekri Workshop: OCT and OCTA Interpretation Case-based Discussion  31  October
15:00 - 16:00

Hall 2
156 Javad Feyzabadi Farahani Workshop: Ophthalmic Dispensing Suitable Frames and Alignment  30  October
14:30 - 14:50

Hall 3
157 Javad Feyzabadi Farahani Workshop: Ophthalmic Dispensing Questions and Answers  30  October
15:50 - 16:00

Hall 3
158 Hadi Ghadimi Ophthalmic Plastic Subspecialty Day: Update in Oculoplasty Updated on Orbital and Peri-Orbital Tumor Management  28  October
08:55 - 09:20

Hall 5
159 Hadi Ghadimi Ophthalmic Plastic Subspecialty Day: Update in Oculoplasty Questions & Answers  28  October
09:50 - 10:00

Hall 5
160 Sadegh Ghafarian Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: Challenging Cases of Anterior Segment Surgery – Video Based Video Case Presenations and Panel Discussion  28  October
16:30 - 18:00

Main Hall
161 Sadegh Ghafarian Workshop: Pterygium Surgery Complications  30  October
15:04 - 15:12

Hall 4
162 Hossein Ghahvehchian Ophthalmic Plastic Subspecialty Day: Chalenging Case Experience Case Presentation  28  October
11:40 - 11:50

Hall 5
163 Hossein Ghahvehchian Nursing Program: Pre & Postoperative Care of Different Ocular Surgeries Pre & Postoperative Consideration of Ophthalmic Plastic Surgeries  30  October
11:30 - 11:45

Hall 2
164 Hossein Ghahvehchian Workshop: Orbital and Eyelid Trauma Management of Canthal and Lacrimal Injuries  31  October
09:10 - 09:20

Hall 5
165 Hossein Ghahvehchian Workshop: Artificial Intelligence Applications of AI in Orbital Diseases  31  October
17:45 - 18:00

Hall 3
166 Hamid Gharaee Workshop: Cataract Surgery in Difficult Situations Panel Discussion  29  October
17:10 - 18:00

Hall 3
167 Hamid Gharaee Workshop: Congenital Cataract Surgery (Age , Type ,Techniques ,Complications)  31  October
08:45 - 09:00

Hall 4
168 Hamid Gharaee Workshop: Congenital Cataract Panel Discussion  31  October
09:15 - 10:00

Hall 4
169 Khalil Ghasemi Falavarjani Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Surgical Retina Subretinal PFCL  28  October
14:40 - 14:50

Hall 2
170 Khalil Ghasemi Falavarjani Workshop: Common Mistakes in Retinal Practice: Legal Considerations

1. Professionalism in Ophthalmology
2. Informed Consent and Related Legal Issues
3. How to Deal with and Provide Explanations in Patients with Vitreous and Retinal Problems who Need Surgery and its Legal Problems
4. How to Deal With and Provide Explanations in Patients with Vitreous and Retinal Problems who Need Medical Treatment and its Legal Problems
5. Do and don,t do in Intraocular Injections and its Ethical and legal Issues
6. Problems and Legal Issues in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Postoperative Endophthalmitis
7. How to Follow up and Access Patients Who Have Been Operated and Have Post-Operative Problems
8. How to Deal With Patients With Complications During and After Operation and Their Legal Problems/

 29  October
08:00 - 10:00

Hall 5
171 Mehrnoosh Ghasemi Jirdehi Workshop: When it’s not Glaucoma Glaucomatous vs. Non-glaucomatous Optic Atrophy (History,Symptoms,Imaging)  30  October
16:30 - 16:45

Hall 5
172 Mehrnoosh Ghasemi Jirdehi Workshop: Angle Closure Disease Differential Diagnoses of Acute IOP Rise  31  October
08:45 - 09:00

Hall 6
173 Navid Ghassembaglou Workshop: Diplopia Definition and Categorization  31  October
16:30 - 16:45

Hall 4
174 Hamed Ghassemi Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: New Advances in Ocular Surface Diagnosis and Management Panel Discussion  28  October
09:17 - 10:00

Main Hall
175 Hamed Ghassemi 2024 Young Ophthalmologist Programs "Social Media in Ophthalmology: Balancing Professional Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Practice Growth"  28  October
16:30 - 17:15

Hall 2
176 Hamed Ghassemi 2024 Young Ophthalmologist Programs Keys to Success in Early-Career Ophthalmology  28  October
17:15 - 18:00

Hall 2
177 Hamed Ghassemi 2024 Young Ophthalmologist Programs Financial Management for Young Ophthalmologists  28  October
17:30 - 17:45

Hall 2
178 Hamed Ghassemi Workshop: Blepharitis Case Presentation / Panel Discussion  29  October
09:00 - 10:00

Hall 4
179 Fariba Ghassemi Symposium: Multimodal Imaging for Retinal Diseases Updates on Multimodal Imaging in Ocular Oncology  29  October
15:20 - 15:30

Main Hall
180 Fariba Ghassemi Workshop: Ocular Oncology The Role of CT Scan and MRI in Intraocular Lesions  29  October
17:45 - 18:00

Hall 2
181 Hamed Ghassemi Workshop: Pterygium Surgery Panel Discussion  30  October
15:22 - 16:00

Hall 4
182 Hamed Ghassemi Workshop: Premium IOL Refractive Target & Astigmatism Inclusion  31  October
14:46 - 14:54

Hall 3
183 Hamed Ghassemi Workshop: Premium IOL Panel Discussion: Case Presentations - Ethical & Professional Debates on Reimbursements; Surgeon Kickback & Conflict of Interest  31  October
15:10 - 16:00

Hall 3
184 Leila Ghiasian Nursing Program: Pre-operative Information about Different Ocular Surgeries Pre-operative Information about Refractive Surgery  30  October
08:15 - 08:30

Hall 2
185 Leila Ghiasian Workshop: Congenital Cataract IOL Implantation ( Age ‘ Type’ Primary or Secondary ‘ Biometry )  31  October
08:30 - 08:45

Hall 4
186 Leila Ghiasian Workshop: Congenital Cataract Panel Discussion  31  October
09:15 - 10:00

Hall 4
187 Saba Gholamalizadeh Nursing Program: Pre & Postoperative Care of Different Ocular Surgeries Pre & Postoperative Consideration of Emergency Surgeries  30  October
12:15 - 12:30

Hall 2
188 Seyed Mohammad Ghoreishi Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: Challenging Cases of Anterior Segment Surgery – Video Based Video Case Presenations and Panel Discussion  28  October
16:30 - 18:00

Main Hall
189 Seyed Mohammad Ghoreishi Workshop: Management of Aniridia Last but not Least: Challenging Cases, Question and Answer  29  October
15:35 - 16:00

Hall 5
190 Seyed Mohammad Ghoreishi Workshop: Complications of Keratopigmentation Panel Discussion  29  October
17:30 - 18:00

Hall 6
191 Seyed Mohammad Ghoreishi Symposium: updates on Imaging Techniques in Refractive Surgery OCT Usage in Refractive Surgery  30  October
14:40 - 14:50

Main Hall
192 Seyed Mohammad Ghoreishi Symposium: updates on Imaging Techniques in Refractive Surgery Case based Discussion  30  October
15:05 - 16:00

Main Hall
193 Seyed Mohammad Ghoreishi Workshop: Refractive Lenticule Extraction Expericense With Smile Machines: Atos  30  October
16:54 - 17:06

Hall 3
194 Seyed Mohammad Ghoreishi Workshop: Cornel Ref Surgery Complications (Surface, F-Lasik) Panel Discussion  31  October
15:30 - 16:00

Main Hall
195 Mona Gorji Workshop: Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)  31  October
16:30 - 16:45

Hall 3
196 Jose L. Güell Keynote Lectures Updates on Endothelial Keratoplasty , Khodadoust Memorial Lecture  31  October
11:10 - 11:30

Main Hall
197 Yasaman Hadi Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: New Advances in Ocular Surface Diagnosis and Management Dry Eye in Systemic Disease (GVHD,SJS, …)  28  October
08:13 - 08:25

Main Hall
198 Yasaman Hadi Workshop: Blepharitis Case Presentation / Panel Discussion  29  October
09:00 - 10:00

Hall 4
199 Yasaman Hadi Workshop: Cataract Surgery in Difficult Situations Management of Capsular Capture and Vitreous Loss  29  October
16:30 - 16:40

Hall 3
200 Yasaman Hadi Workshop: ‏Update on CXL and ICRS CAPSEK (Customized Allergenic Paracentral Stroma Enhancer Keratoplasty) : Preparation  30  October
17:24 - 17:31

Hall 4
201 Yasaman Hadi Workshop: Artificial Intelligence Applications of AI in Anterior Segment Diseases  31  October
17:00 - 17:15

Hall 3
202 Farhad Hafezi Keynote Lectures Updates on the Current and Future Techniques of Corneal Cross-Linking  29  October
11:30 - 12:00

Main Hall
203 Anousheh Haghighi Uveitis and Retina Subspecialty Day: Behcet’s Disease Current Therapeutic Approach in Behçet’s Disease Uveitis: what to start, when to Switch?  28  October
08:45 - 09:05

Hall 2
204 Fedra Hajizadeh Workshop: Local Therapies in Uveitis Sustained Release Steroids; Cost vs. Benefits  29  October
17:30 - 17:45

Hall 5
205 Fedra Hajizadeh Workshop: OCT and OCTA Interpretation Case-based Discussion  31  October
15:00 - 16:00

Hall 2
206 Masih Hashemi Retina Subspecialty Day: Interesting and Challenging Cases Intresting and Chalenging Case Presentation  28  October
16:30 - 18:00

Hall 3
207 Masih Hashemi Workshop: Common Mistakes in Retinal Practice: Legal Considerations

1. Professionalism in Ophthalmology
2. Informed Consent and Related Legal Issues
3. How to Deal with and Provide Explanations in Patients with Vitreous and Retinal Problems who Need Surgery and its Legal Problems
4. How to Deal With and Provide Explanations in Patients with Vitreous and Retinal Problems who Need Medical Treatment and its Legal Problems
5. Do and don,t do in Intraocular Injections and its Ethical and legal Issues
6. Problems and Legal Issues in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Postoperative Endophthalmitis
7. How to Follow up and Access Patients Who Have Been Operated and Have Post-Operative Problems
8. How to Deal With Patients With Complications During and After Operation and Their Legal Problems/

 29  October
08:00 - 10:00

Hall 5
208 Seyed Javad Hashemian Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: Challenging Cases of Anterior Segment Surgery – Video Based Video Case Presenations and Panel Discussion  28  October
16:30 - 18:00

Main Hall
209 Seyed Javad Hashemian Symposium: Updates on Diagnosis and Management of Keratoconus Phakic IOLs Versus Excimer Laser Correction  29  October
09:00 - 09:12

Hall 3
210 Hesam Hashemian Workshop: IOL Power Calculation IOL Power Calculation in Special Situation: New Advancements  29  October
14:40 - 14:50

Hall 3
211 Hesam Hashemian Workshop: IOL Power Calculation Panel Discussion and Case Presentation  29  October
15:20 - 16:00

Hall 3
212 Seyed Javad Hashemian Workshop: Complications of Keratopigmentation Intraoperative Complications  29  October
16:30 - 16:40

Hall 6
213 Seyed Javad Hashemian Workshop: Complications of Keratopigmentation Panel Discussion  29  October
17:30 - 18:00

Hall 6
214 Seyed Javad Hashemian Films & Photos Festival Management of Traumatic ICL Displacement  30  October
11:00 - 11:05

Main Hall
215 Seyed Javad Hashemian Films & Photos Festival How to Manage High Myopic Astigmatism in a Young Patient with Cataract?  30  October
11:05 - 11:10

Main Hall
216 Hesam Hashemian Symposium: updates on Imaging Techniques in Refractive Surgery New Scheimpflug Imaging Analysis Software  30  October
14:30 - 14:40

Main Hall
217 Hesam Hashemian Symposium: updates on Imaging Techniques in Refractive Surgery Case based Discussion  30  October
15:05 - 16:00

Main Hall
218 Hesam Hashemian Symposium: Updates on Refractive Cataract Surgery Cataract Surgery as Refractive Surgery  31  October
08:00 - 08:15

Main Hall
219 Seyed Javad Hashemian Workshop: Premium IOL Intraoperative Pearls & Pitfalls  31  October
14:54 - 15:02

Hall 3
220 Seyed Javad Hashemian Workshop: Premium IOL Panel Discussion: Case Presentations - Ethical & Professional Debates on Reimbursements; Surgeon Kickback & Conflict of Interest  31  October
15:10 - 16:00

Hall 3
221 Hesam Hashemian Workshop: Cornel Ref Surgery Complications (Surface, F-Lasik) Panel Discussion  31  October
15:30 - 16:00

Main Hall
222 Mohammad Nasser Hashemian Workshop: Cornel Ref Surgery Complications (Surface, F-Lasik) Panel Discussion  31  October
15:30 - 16:00

Main Hall
223 Narges Hassanpoor Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis /Updates on Medical Retina: Management New Insights in to the Diagnosis of Retinal Vein Occlusion  28  October
10:54 - 11:04

Hall 2
224 Narges Hassanpoor Symposium: Multimodal Imaging for Retinal Diseases Updates on Wider Retinal Imaging  29  October
15:30 - 15:40

Main Hall
225 Mohammadmehdi Hatami Glaucoma Subspecialty Day: Telemedicine and AI in Glaucoma: Today and Tomorrow Augmented Reality in Glaucoma  28  October
11:45 - 12:00

Hall 4
226 Mohammadmehdi Hatami Glaucoma Subspecialty Day: Telemedicine and AI in Glaucoma: Today and Tomorrow Question and Answer, Panel Discussion  28  October
12:00 - 12:30

Hall 4
227 Mohammadmehdi Hatami Symposium: Glaucoma Diagnosis Artifacts of OCTs  29  October
09:15 - 09:30

Main Hall
228 Mohammadmehdi Hatami Workshop: Decision Making in Glaucoma Surgery Panel Discussion  31  October
15:40 - 16:00

Hall 5
229 Alireza Hedayatfar Uveitis and Retina Subspecialty Day: Behcet’s Disease Ocular Conditions Mimicking Behçet’s Disease  28  October
08:30 - 08:45

Hall 2
230 Seyedeh Maryam Hosseini Workshop: Local Therapies in Uveitis Periocular Steroid Injections; Pros and Cons  29  October
16:45 - 17:00

Hall 5
231 Seyedeh Maryam Hosseini Symposium: Imaging in Uveitis FA and ICGA  30  October
15:00 - 15:15

Hall 5
232 Seyedeh Maryam Hosseini Symposium: Vitreoretinal Considerations in Anterior Segment Surgeries CME, Risk Factors, Prophylactic Measures, Propper Management  30  October
17:20 - 17:30

Main Hall
233 Mahmood Jabbarvand Symposium: Updates on Diagnosis and Management of Keratoconus Management of Subclinical and Forme Frust Keratoconus  29  October
08:12 - 08:24

Hall 3
234 Khosrow Jadidi Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: Challenging Cases of Anterior Segment Surgery – Video Based Video Case Presenations and Panel Discussion  28  October
16:30 - 18:00

Main Hall
235 Khosrow Jadidi Films & Photos Festival Use of Intracorneal Ring for Corneal Transplantation  30  October
11:10 - 11:15

Main Hall
236 Khosrow Jadidi Workshop: Pterygium Surgery Panel Discussion  30  October
15:22 - 16:00

Hall 4
237 Mohammad Reza Jafarinasab Symposium: Updates on Diagnosis and Management of Keratoconus Synthetic Versus Allogeneic ICRS  29  October
08:48 - 09:00

Hall 3
238 Mohammad Reza Jafarinasab Workshop: ‏Update on CXL and ICRS CAPSEK (Customized Allergenic Paracentral Stroma Enhancer Keratoplasty) : Technique for Implantation  30  October
17:31 - 17:40

Hall 4
239 Amirhossein JalaliNadoushan 2024 Young Ophthalmologist Programs "Thriving in Ophthalmology: Holistic Well-being and Burnout Prevention Strategies" Stress Management and Well-being  28  October
14:50 - 15:10

Hall 3
240 Mohammad hassan Jalalpour Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: New Advances in Ocular Surface Diagnosis and Management Anti Inflamatory Agent in Dry Eye  28  October
08:26 - 08:38

Main Hall
241 Mohammad hassan Jalalpour Workshop: Cataract Surgery in Difficult Situations Cataract Surgery in Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome  29  October
16:50 - 17:00

Hall 3
242 Mohammad hassan Jalalpour Workshop: Cornel Ref Surgery Complications (Surface, F-Lasik) Infectious Keratitis and Corneal Melting after Corneal Refractive Surgery  31  October
14:30 - 14:40

Main Hall
243 Hossein Jamali Workshop: Cataract Surgery in Difficult Situations Panel Discussion  29  October
17:10 - 18:00

Hall 3
244 Hossein Jamali Symposium: Updates on Refractive Cataract Surgery Management of Astigmatism  31  October
09:15 - 09:30

Main Hall
245 Saba Jamshidbeigi Nursing Program: Pre & Postoperative Care of Different Ocular Surgeries Pre & Postoperative Care of Refractive Surgeries  30  October
10:45 - 11:00

Hall 2
246 Mansoreh Jamshidian Tehrani Workshop: Orbital and Eyelid Trauma Eyelid Case Presentation and Panel Discussion  31  October
09:30 - 10:00

Hall 5
247 Mohammadali Javadi Workshop: Blepharitis Case Presentation / Panel Discussion  29  October
09:00 - 10:00

Hall 4
248 Mohammadali Javadi Workshop: Complications of Keratopigmentation Panel Discussion  29  October
17:30 - 18:00

Hall 6
249 Alireza Javadzadeh Symposium: Vitreoretinal Considerations in Anterior Segment Surgeries Mechanisms Lead to Complications, Risk Factors, and Patient Profiles  30  October
16:30 - 16:40

Main Hall
250 Mohammad Karim Johari Retina Subspecialty Day: Interesting and Challenging Cases Intresting and Chalenging Case Presentation  28  October
16:30 - 18:00

Hall 3
251 Nasser Karimi Ophthalmic Plastic Subspecialty Day: Update in Oculoplasty What is New in Peri-Ocular Cosmetic Surgeries  28  October
09:20 - 09:50

Hall 5
252 Nasser Karimi Ophthalmic Plastic Subspecialty Day: Update in Oculoplasty Questions & Answers  28  October
09:50 - 10:00

Hall 5
253 Nasser Karimi 2024 Young Ophthalmologist Programs Best Practices and Pitfalls  28  October
17:00 - 17:15

Hall 2
254 Saeed Karimi Workshop: Ocular Oncology US and UBM and Their Potential in Ocular Oncology  29  October
17:00 - 17:15

Hall 2
255 Nasser Karimi Nursing Program: Pre-operative Information about Different Ocular Surgeries Pre-operative Information about Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery  30  October
09:00 - 09:15

Hall 2
256 Nasser Karimi Films & Photos Festival Endoscopic Assisted Orbitotomy  30  October
11:15 - 11:20

Main Hall
257 Nasser Karimi Workshop: Orbital Inflammatory Disorders What Are the Latest Advances in Diagnosing and Treating Orbital Inflammatory Disease  30  October
17:50 - 18:00

Hall 2
258 Nasser Karimi Workshop: Orbital and Eyelid Trauma Orbit Case Presentation and Panel Discussion  31  October
08:30 - 09:00

Hall 5
259 Farid Karimian Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: IOL Associated Complications of Cataract Surgery Panel Discussion  28  October
15:20 - 16:00

Main Hall
260 Farid Karimian Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: Challenging Cases of Anterior Segment Surgery – Video Based Video Case Presenations and Panel Discussion  28  October
16:30 - 18:00

Main Hall
261 Zahra Karjoo Nursing Program: Pre-operative Information about Different Ocular Surgeries Pre-operative Information about Corneal Graft Surgery  30  October
09:30 - 09:45

Hall 2
262 Reza Karkhaneh Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis /Updates on Medical Retina: Management Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis  28  October
10:30 - 11:30

Hall 2
263 Abolfazl Kasaei Ophthalmic Plastic Subspecialty Day: Chalenging Case Experience Panel Discussion  28  October
12:10 - 12:30

Hall 5
264 Alireza Keshtkar jafari Strabismus Subspecialty Day: Challenging Cases in Strabismus and Neurophthalmology Case Presentation  28  October
11:54 - 12:01

Hall 3
265 Alireza Keshtkar jafari Symposium: Approach to Exotropia Management Case Based Discussion  29  October
08:00 - 10:00

Hall 2
266 Behzad Khademi Workshop: Orbital Inflammatory Disorders Case Presentation and Discussion  30  October
16:30 - 17:30

Hall 2
267 Behzad Khademi Workshop: Orbital Inflammatory Disorders How Can Imaging Techniques Improve the Detection and Management of Orbital Inflammation  30  October
17:30 - 17:40

Hall 2
268 Mohamadreza Khalili Symposium: Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology Ocular Motor Nerve Palsies in Children  31  October
09:00 - 09:15

Hall 3
269 Mohamadreza Khalili Workshop: Oblique Muscle Dysfunction Brown Syndrome  31  October
15:15 - 15:30

Hall 6
270 Mohamadreza Khalili Workshop: Diplopia Nonsurgical Managements  31  October
17:15 - 17:30

Hall 4
271 Elyas Khalili Pour Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis /Updates on Medical Retina: Management Pachychoroid Spectrum Disorders: Advance in in Imaging and Diagnosis  28  October
10:42 - 10:52

Hall 2
272 Elyas Khalili Pour Retina Subspecialty Day: Interesting and Challenging Cases Intresting and Chalenging Case Presentation  28  October
16:30 - 18:00

Hall 3
273 Elyas Khalili Pour Workshop: OCT and OCTA Interpretation Key Points in Interpretation of OCTA Images  31  October
14:30 - 14:45

Hall 2
274 Mehdi Khanlari Symposium: Updates on Refractive Cataract Surgery Clear Lens Extraction  31  October
08:30 - 08:45

Main Hall
275 Gholamreza Khataminia Symposium: Periocular Considerations Before Intraocular or Ocular Surface Surgeries Panel Discussion  29  October
16:30 - 18:00

Main Hall
276 Ali Reza Khoda Bandeh Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis /Updates on Medical Retina: Management Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Management  28  October
11:30 - 12:30

Hall 2
277 Ali Reza Khoda Bandeh Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Surgical Retina Reduction Risk of PVR  28  October
14:50 - 15:00

Hall 2
278 Mehdi Khodaparast Workshop: Cataract Surgery in Difficult Situations Panel Discussion  29  October
17:10 - 18:00

Hall 3
279 Mehdi Khodaparast Workshop: Cornel Ref Surgery Complications (Surface, F-Lasik) Panel Discussion  31  October
15:30 - 16:00

Main Hall
280 Amir Khosravi Workshop: IOL Power Calculation IOL Power Calculation in Keratoconus  29  October
15:00 - 15:10

Hall 3
281 Amir Khosravi Workshop: IOL Power Calculation Panel Discussion and Case Presentation  29  October
15:20 - 16:00

Hall 3
282 Amir Khosravi Workshop: Cornel Ref Surgery Complications (Surface, F-Lasik) Haze Formation after PRK Management  31  October
15:10 - 15:20

Main Hall
283 Farzan Kianersi Workshop: Retinal Emergencies Scleritis  30  October
15:13 - 15:18

Hall 2
284 Nahid Kianmehr Uveitis and Retina Subspecialty Day: Behcet’s Disease Diagnosis and Classification of Behçet’s Disease  28  October
08:00 - 08:15

Hall 2
285 Mohammad Yaser Kiarudi Ophthalmic Plastic Subspecialty Day: Update in Oculoplasty Management of Orbital Lymphoproliferative Disorders  28  October
08:30 - 08:55

Hall 5
286 Mohammad Yaser Kiarudi Ophthalmic Plastic Subspecialty Day: Update in Oculoplasty Questions & Answers  28  October
09:50 - 10:00

Hall 5
287 Mohammad Yaser Kiarudi Workshop: Imaging in Strabismus Interesting Cases  29  October
17:30 - 17:36

Hall 4
288 Mohammad Yaser Kiarudi Workshop: Oblique Muscle Dysfunction Management of SO Palsy  31  October
15:00 - 15:15

Hall 6
289 Nima Koosha Workshop: Pterygium Surgery Medical Managements  30  October
14:39 - 14:47

Hall 4
290 Alireza Lashay Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis /Updates on Medical Retina: Management Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis  28  October
10:30 - 11:30

Hall 2
291 Afshin Lotfi sadigh Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: IOL Associated Complications of Cataract Surgery Intraoperative IOL Complications  28  October
14:30 - 14:40

Main Hall
292 Afshin Lotfi sadigh Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: IOL Associated Complications of Cataract Surgery Panel Discussion  28  October
15:20 - 16:00

Main Hall
293 Afshin Lotfi sadigh Symposium: Updates on Diagnosis and Management of Keratoconus Challenges in Cataract Surgery in PT with Keratoconus  29  October
09:12 - 09:24

Hall 3
294 Afshin Lotfi sadigh Workshop: Cornel Ref Surgery Complications (Surface, F-Lasik) Optical Complications and its Management  31  October
15:20 - 15:30

Main Hall
295 Afshin Lotfi sadigh Workshop: Cornel Ref Surgery Complications (Surface, F-Lasik) Panel Discussion  31  October
15:30 - 16:00

Main Hall
296 Afshin Lotfi sadigh Workshop: Phakic IOL Tips to Treatment of ICL Complications (Under Size, Oversized, Cataract, etc )  31  October
16:45 - 17:00

Hall 2
297 Atefe Mahdian rad Workshop: Orbital and Eyelid Trauma Surgical Approaches for Orbital Reconstruction  31  October
08:17 - 08:28

Hall 5
298 Zahra Mahdizad Workshop: Local Therapies in Uveitis Topical Eye Drops; Benefits and Limitations  29  October
16:30 - 16:45

Hall 5
299 Zahra Mahdizad Symposium: Imaging in Uveitis Autofluorescence  30  October
15:15 - 15:30

Hall 5
300 Zahra Mahdizad Workshop: Stepwise Approach for Retinovascular Disorders Which Diagnostic Steps are Necessary?  31  October
14:30 - 14:42

Hall 4
301 Alireza Maleki Retina Subspecialty Day: Interesting and Challenging Cases Intresting and Chalenging Case Presentation  28  October
16:30 - 18:00

Hall 3
302 Kaweh Mansouri Keynote Lectures Modern vs. Traditional Glaucoma Surgery  31  October
10:50 - 11:10

Main Hall
303 Ahmad Masoumi Workshop: Blepharitis Update on Seborrheic Blepharitis and Rosacea  29  October
08:15 - 08:30

Hall 4
304 Masoumeh Sadat Masoumpour Symposium: Glaucoma Diagnosis Role of OCT-A in Detection of Glaucoma  29  October
09:00 - 09:15

Main Hall
305 Masoumeh Sadat Masoumpour Workshop: Angle Closure Disease Management of Angle Closure Glaucoma (Primary and Secondary): Case-Based Discussion  31  October
09:30 - 10:00

Hall 6
306 Masoumeh Sadat Masoumpour Workshop: Decision Making in Glaucoma Surgery Surgery in Pediatric Glaucoma  31  October
15:10 - 15:25

Hall 5
307 Masoumeh Sadat Masoumpour Workshop: Decision Making in Glaucoma Surgery Panel Discussion  31  October
15:40 - 16:00

Hall 5
308 Mehdi Mazloumi Workshop: Ocular Oncology The Role of OCT and EDI in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Intraocular Tumors  29  October
17:15 - 17:30

Hall 2
309 Mohammad reza Mehrabi Bahar Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Surgical Retina Positioning After Vitreous Surgery  28  October
15:00 - 15:10

Hall 2
310 Mohammad reza Mehrabi Bahar Symposium: Multimodal Imaging for Retinal Diseases Updates on Novel Retinal Imaging Modalities  29  October
15:50 - 16:00

Main Hall
311 Mohammad reza Mehrabi Bahar Symposium: Vitreoretinal Considerations in Anterior Segment Surgeries Intraoperative Techniques and Setting for Vitreous Loss, Nucleous and IOL Drop  30  October
17:00 - 17:10

Main Hall
312 Aidin Meshksar Glaucoma Subspecialty Day: Telemedicine and AI in Glaucoma: Today and Tomorrow Artificial Intelligence-driven Early Glaucoma Detection and Screening  28  October
10:45 - 11:00

Hall 4
313 Aidin Meshksar Glaucoma Subspecialty Day: Telemedicine and AI in Glaucoma: Today and Tomorrow Question and Answer, Panel Discussion  28  October
12:00 - 12:30

Hall 4
314 Aidin Meshksar Workshop: When it’s not Glaucoma Is This Glaucoma or Just Myopia?  30  October
16:45 - 17:00

Hall 5
315 Arash Mir Mohammad Sadeghi Strabismus Subspecialty Day: New Techniques in Strabismus Surgery A novel Procedure to Treat Nystagmus With Head Tilt  28  October
08:00 - 08:10

Hall 3
316 Arash Mir Mohammad Sadeghi Strabismus Subspecialty Day: Challenging Cases in Strabismus and Neurophthalmology Case Presentation  28  October
11:30 - 11:37

Hall 3
317 Arash Mir Mohammad Sadeghi Workshop: Imaging in Strabismus Interesting Cases  29  October
17:00 - 17:06

Hall 4
318 Seyed mohammad Miraftab Workshop: Refractive Lenticule Extraction Expericense With Smile Machines: Zeiss  30  October
16:42 - 16:54

Hall 3
319 Arezoo Miraftabi Glaucoma Subspecialty Day: Glaucoma: One Word Thousand Aspects: Lasers and Medications New Glaucoma Medications and Delivery Systems  28  October
08:00 - 08:20

Hall 4
320 Arezoo Miraftabi Symposium: Glaucoma Diagnosis Updates on Macular OCTs  29  October
08:45 - 09:00

Main Hall
321 Arezoo Miraftabi Workshop: Glaucoma Hot Topics Debate When Should I Initiate Treatment in Glaucoma Suspect With High Myopia?  29  October
14:30 - 14:45

Hall 4
322 Arezoo Miraftabi Films & Photos Festival Deep Sclerectomy Complicated with Choroidal and Vitreous Loss in Struge-Weber Syndrome  30  October
11:20 - 11:25

Main Hall
323 Arezoo Miraftabi Workshop: Uveitis and Glaucoma Mechanism of Ocular Hypertension and Glaucoma in Uveitis  31  October
16:30 - 16:50

Hall 5
324 Seyed Masoud Mirghorbani Films & Photos Festival Retropupillary Artizan Lens Fixation  30  October
11:25 - 11:30

Main Hall
325 Reza Mirshahi Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis /Updates on Medical Retina: Management Multimodal Imaging and AI in Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis and Staging  28  October
11:06 - 11:16

Hall 2
326 Reza Mirshahi 2024 Young Ophthalmologist Programs "Thriving in Ophthalmology: Holistic Well-being and Burnout Prevention Strategies" Physical Well-being in Ophthalmology  28  October
15:10 - 15:30

Hall 3
327 Reza Mirshahi 2024 Young Ophthalmologist Programs "Social Media in Ophthalmology: Balancing Professional Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Practice Growth"  28  October
16:30 - 17:15

Hall 2
328 Reza Mirshahi 2024 Young Ophthalmologist Programs Keys to Success in Early-Career Ophthalmology  28  October
17:15 - 18:00

Hall 2
329 Reza Mirshahi 2024 Young Ophthalmologist Programs Enhancing Clinical Skills  28  October
17:45 - 18:00

Hall 2
330 Reza Mirshahi Workshop: Ocular Oncology Advancing the Field of Ocular Oncology with the use of OCTA  29  October
17:30 - 17:45

Hall 2
331 Mehdi Modarreszadeh Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis /Updates on Medical Retina: Management Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis  28  October
10:30 - 11:30

Hall 2
332 Hossein Mohammad Rabei Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: IOL Associated Complications of Cataract Surgery Panel Discussion  28  October
15:20 - 16:00

Main Hall
333 Hossein Mohammad Rabei Symposium: Updates on Refractive Cataract Surgery Pitfalls in IOL Power Calculation  31  October
08:45 - 09:00

Main Hall
334 Seyed Farzad Mohammadi Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: New Advances in Ocular Surface Diagnosis and Management Keratoneuropathy  28  October
08:52 - 09:04

Main Hall
335 Seyed Farzad Mohammadi Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: New Advances in Ocular Surface Diagnosis and Management Panel Discussion  28  October
09:17 - 10:00

Main Hall
336 Seyed Farzad Mohammadi Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: Lamellar Keratoplasty Preoperative Considerations for Choosing Anterior and Endothelial Lamellar Keratoplasty Versus Penetrating Keratoplasty  28  October
10:30 - 10:45

Main Hall
337 Seyed Farzad Mohammadi Workshop: Premium IOL Unsatisfied Patients & Exchange  31  October
15:02 - 15:10

Hall 3
338 Seyed Farzad Mohammadi Workshop: Premium IOL Panel Discussion: Case Presentations - Ethical & Professional Debates on Reimbursements; Surgeon Kickback & Conflict of Interest  31  October
15:10 - 16:00

Hall 3
339 Mehrdad Mohammadpour Symposium: Updates on Diagnosis and Management of Keratoconus Update on Keratoconus Diagnosis  29  October
08:00 - 08:12

Hall 3
340 Mehrdad Mohammadpour Workshop: Premium IOL Preferred Vs. Controversial Candidates!  31  October
14:38 - 14:46

Hall 3
341 Mehrdad Mohammadpour Workshop: Premium IOL Panel Discussion: Case Presentations - Ethical & Professional Debates on Reimbursements; Surgeon Kickback & Conflict of Interest  31  October
15:10 - 16:00

Hall 3
342 Siamak Moradian Retina Subspecialty Day: Interesting and Challenging Cases Intresting and Chalenging Case Presentation  28  October
16:30 - 18:00

Hall 3
343 Siamak Moradian Workshop: Stepwise Approach for Retinovascular Disorders Stepwise Therapeutic Approach in RVOs  31  October
14:42 - 14:54

Hall 4
344 Siamak Moradian Workshop: OCT and OCTA Interpretation Case-based Discussion  31  October
15:00 - 16:00

Hall 2
345 Mehrdad Motamed Shariati Symposium: Vitreoretinal Considerations in Anterior Segment Surgeries General Considerations in Diabetic & AMD Patients  30  October
16:50 - 17:00

Main Hall
346 Tahmineh Motevasseli Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis /Updates on Medical Retina: Management Updates on Treatment of Diabetic Macular Edema and Modifying the Course of Diabetic Retinopathy  28  October
11:54 - 12:06

Hall 2
347 Farideh Mousavi Symposium: Imaging in Uveitis EDI and Swept Source OCT  30  October
14:45 - 15:00

Hall 5
348 Reza Nabie Ophthalmic Plastic Subspecialty Day: Chalenging Case Experience Case Presentation  28  October
10:50 - 11:00

Hall 5
349 Reza Nabie Symposium: Approach to Exotropia Management Case Based Discussion  29  October
08:00 - 10:00

Hall 2
350 Mostafa Naderi Workshop: Common Mistakes in Retinal Practice: Legal Considerations

1. Professionalism in Ophthalmology
2. Informed Consent and Related Legal Issues
3. How to Deal with and Provide Explanations in Patients with Vitreous and Retinal Problems who Need Surgery and its Legal Problems
4. How to Deal With and Provide Explanations in Patients with Vitreous and Retinal Problems who Need Medical Treatment and its Legal Problems
5. Do and don,t do in Intraocular Injections and its Ethical and legal Issues
6. Problems and Legal Issues in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Postoperative Endophthalmitis
7. How to Follow up and Access Patients Who Have Been Operated and Have Post-Operative Problems
8. How to Deal With Patients With Complications During and After Operation and Their Legal Problems/

 29  October
08:00 - 10:00

Hall 5
351 Mostafa Naderi Workshop: Complications of Keratopigmentation Panel Discussion  29  October
17:30 - 18:00

Hall 6
352 Mostafa Naderi Workshop: Pterygium Surgery Panel Discussion  30  October
15:22 - 16:00

Hall 4
353 Mostafa Naderi Workshop: Refractive Lenticule Extraction Why Do You Prefer Smile Versus Fs Laser and PRK  30  October
16:30 - 16:42

Hall 3
354 Seyyed Mostafa Naghibian Workshop: Ophthalmic Dispensing Available Lenses in the Market  30  October
14:50 - 15:10

Hall 3
355 Seyyed Mostafa Naghibian Workshop: Ophthalmic Dispensing Questions and Answers  30  October
15:50 - 16:00

Hall 3
356 Maryam Najafi Workshop: Medico-Legal Considerations of Periocular Cosmetic Surgeries Case Presentation  29  October
15:10 - 15:30

Hall 2
357 Maryam Najafi Symposium: Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology Nystagmus in Children  31  October
09:15 - 09:30

Hall 3
358 Farhad Najafzadeh Workshop: Glaucoma Hot Topics Debate SLT Versus Medication as Initial Therapy in Glaucoma  29  October
14:45 - 15:00

Hall 4
359 Masood Naseripour Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis /Updates on Medical Retina: Management Treatment of Neovascular AMD: New-Generation Modalities and Evolving Therapies  28  October
11:30 - 11:42

Hall 2
360 Masood Naseripour Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis /Updates on Medical Retina: Management Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Management  28  October
11:30 - 12:30

Hall 2
361 Masood Naseripour Workshop: Common Mistakes in Retinal Practice: Legal Considerations

1. Professionalism in Ophthalmology
2. Informed Consent and Related Legal Issues
3. How to Deal with and Provide Explanations in Patients with Vitreous and Retinal Problems who Need Surgery and its Legal Problems
4. How to Deal With and Provide Explanations in Patients with Vitreous and Retinal Problems who Need Medical Treatment and its Legal Problems
5. Do and don,t do in Intraocular Injections and its Ethical and legal Issues
6. Problems and Legal Issues in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Postoperative Endophthalmitis
7. How to Follow up and Access Patients Who Have Been Operated and Have Post-Operative Problems
8. How to Deal With Patients With Complications During and After Operation and Their Legal Problems/

 29  October
08:00 - 10:00

Hall 5
362 Masood Naseripour Workshop: Ocular Oncology FA and ICGA and Their Clinical Importance in Ocular Oncology  29  October
16:30 - 16:45

Hall 2
363 Mohammad Reza Nazari Workshop: Ophthalmic Dispensing Pre-Fitting Marking of Monofocal, Bifocal and Progressive Lenses  30  October
15:10 - 15:30

Hall 3
364 Mohammad Reza Nazari Workshop: Ophthalmic Dispensing Questions and Answers  30  October
15:50 - 16:00

Hall 3
365 Mahmoud Nejabat Workshop: Phakic IOL Tips to Treatment of Artisan and Artiflex Complications (Decentration, Progressive Endothelial Cell Loss, Cataract, etc)  31  October
17:00 - 17:15

Hall 2
366 Farhad Nejat Workshop: Pterygium Surgery Innovations in Pterygium Treatment  30  October
15:13 - 15:21

Hall 4
367 Aminolah Nikeghbali Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis /Updates on Medical Retina: Management Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Management  28  October
11:30 - 12:30

Hall 2
368 Naveed Nilforushan Glaucoma Subspecialty Day: Telemedicine and AI in Glaucoma: Today and Tomorrow Question and Answer, Panel Discussion  28  October
12:00 - 12:30

Hall 4
369 Naveed Nilforushan Workshop: Glaucoma Hot Topics Debate MIGS/Shunt/Trabeculectomy Which One is Better for My Patients  29  October
15:15 - 15:30

Hall 4
370 Mohammadreza Niyousha Symposium: Multimodal Imaging for Retinal Diseases Updates on Multimodal Imaging in Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Geographic Atrophy  29  October
14:30 - 14:40

Main Hall
371 Hamid Norouzi Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: IOL Associated Complications of Cataract Surgery Panel Discussion  28  October
15:20 - 16:00

Main Hall
372 Ramin Nourinia Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis /Updates on Medical Retina: Management Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis  28  October
10:30 - 11:30

Hall 2
373 Ramin Nourinia Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Surgical Retina Role of ILM Flaps  28  October
15:20 - 15:30

Hall 2
374 Ramin Nourinia Keynote Lectures Ramin Tadayoni Memorial Lecture / Intelligent Evaluation of Diabetic Retinopathy  29  October
11:00 - 11:30

Main Hall
375 Ramin Nourinia Symposium: Multimodal Imaging for Retinal Diseases Updates on New Generations of OCT  29  October
15:40 - 15:50

Main Hall
376 Ramin Nourinia Symposium: Vitreoretinal Considerations in Anterior Segment Surgeries Preventing Traction on Retina, and Timing for Management of Breaks and RD  30  October
17:10 - 17:20

Main Hall
377 Mohammad Hossein Nowroozzadeh Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis /Updates on Medical Retina: Management Predictive Diagnostic Markers for Visual Outcomes in Epiretinal Membrane and Macular Hole  28  October
11:18 - 11:28

Hall 2
378 Mohammad Hossein Nowroozzadeh Symposium: Updates on Treatment for Common Retinal Diseases New Horizon in AMD (Pathophysiology and Management)  31  October
08:00 - 08:15

Hall 2
379 Farzad Pakdel Ophthalmic Plastic Subspecialty Day: Update in Oculoplasty Questions & Answers  28  October
09:50 - 10:00

Hall 5
380 Mahmoud reza Panahi Bazaz Workshop: Management of Aniridia Last but not Least: Challenging Cases, Question and Answer  29  October
15:35 - 16:00

Hall 5
381 Mohammad Mahdi Parandin Ophthalmic Plastic Subspecialty Day: Chalenging Case Experience Case Presentation  28  October
11:50 - 12:00

Hall 5
382 Mahsa Parhizkar Workshop: ‏Update on CXL and ICRS CAPSEK (Customized Allergenic Paracentral Stroma Enhancer Keratoplasty) : Nomogram  30  October
17:17 - 17:24

Hall 4
383 Mohammad Mehdi Parvaresh Workshop: Common Mistakes in Retinal Practice: Legal Considerations

1. Professionalism in Ophthalmology
2. Informed Consent and Related Legal Issues
3. How to Deal with and Provide Explanations in Patients with Vitreous and Retinal Problems who Need Surgery and its Legal Problems
4. How to Deal With and Provide Explanations in Patients with Vitreous and Retinal Problems who Need Medical Treatment and its Legal Problems
5. Do and don,t do in Intraocular Injections and its Ethical and legal Issues
6. Problems and Legal Issues in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Postoperative Endophthalmitis
7. How to Follow up and Access Patients Who Have Been Operated and Have Post-Operative Problems
8. How to Deal With Patients With Complications During and After Operation and Their Legal Problems/

 29  October
08:00 - 10:00

Hall 5
384 Alireza Peyman Workshop: IOL Power Calculation Toric IOL Calculation, how to Manage the Remaining Error  29  October
15:10 - 15:20

Hall 3
385 Alireza Peyman Workshop: IOL Power Calculation Panel Discussion and Case Presentation  29  October
15:20 - 16:00

Hall 3
386 Alireza Peyman Symposium: Updates on Refractive Cataract Surgery Cataract Surgery in High Hyperopia  31  October
09:00 - 09:15

Main Hall
387 Alireza Peyman Workshop: Congenital Cataract Post op Evaluation (Medications ,Complications ,Orthotpic Management)  31  October
09:00 - 09:15

Hall 4
388 Alireza Peyman Workshop: Congenital Cataract Panel Discussion  31  October
09:15 - 10:00

Hall 4
389 Hamid Peyravi 2024 Young Ophthalmologist Programs "Thriving in Ophthalmology: Holistic Well-being and Burnout Prevention Strategies" Stigma and Mental Health  28  October
15:30 - 15:50

Hall 3
390 Vladimir Pfeifer Workshop: Management of Aniridia Intraocular Surgery for Aniridia  29  October
14:45 - 15:10

Hall 5
391 Vladimir Pfeifer Workshop: Management of Aniridia Last but not Least: Challenging Cases, Question and Answer  29  October
15:35 - 16:00

Hall 5
392 Mohsen Pourazizi Workshop: IOL Power Calculation AI and IOL Power Calculation  29  October
14:30 - 14:40

Hall 3
393 Mohsen Pourazizi Workshop: IOL Power Calculation Panel Discussion and Case Presentation  29  October
15:20 - 16:00

Hall 3
394 Seyedeh Zahra Poursayed Lazarjani Ophthalmic Plastic Subspecialty Day: Chalenging Case Experience Case Presentation  28  October
11:30 - 11:40

Hall 5
395 Hamed Radmehr Glaucoma Subspecialty Day: Glaucoma: One Word Thousand Aspects: Lasers and Medications MicroPulse TLT and Continuous Wave TSCPC: Advanced Techniques  28  October
09:20 - 09:40

Hall 4
396 Seyed Mohsen Rafizadeh Ophthalmic Plastic Subspecialty Day: Chalenging Case Experience Panel Discussion  28  October
12:10 - 12:30

Hall 5
397 Seyed Mohsen Rafizadeh Workshop: Medico-Legal Considerations of Periocular Cosmetic Surgeries Especial Informed Consent for Oculoplastic Surgeries  29  October
15:00 - 15:10

Hall 2
398 Seyed Mohsen Rafizadeh Workshop: Medico-Legal Considerations of Periocular Cosmetic Surgeries Panel Discussion  29  October
15:30 - 16:00

Hall 2
399 Seyed Mohsen Rafizadeh Workshop: Orbital Inflammatory Disorders How Does Pediatric Orbital Inflammatory Disease Differ from Adult Cases  30  October
17:40 - 17:50

Hall 2
400 Abolfazl Rahimi Ophthalmic Plastic Subspecialty Day: Chalenging Case Experience Case Presentation  28  October
11:20 - 11:30

Hall 5
401 Saeed Rahmani Workshop: Ophthalmic Dispensing Absorptive Lenses and Sunglasses  30  October
15:30 - 15:50

Hall 3
402 Saeed Rahmani Workshop: Ophthalmic Dispensing Questions and Answers  30  October
15:50 - 16:00

Hall 3
403 Elham Rahmani Khah Ophthalmic Plastic Subspecialty Day: Chalenging Case Experience Case Presentation  28  October
12:00 - 12:10

Hall 5
404 Mohammad Taher Rajabi Workshop: Medico-Legal Considerations of Periocular Cosmetic Surgeries Technical Consideration to Reduce Cosmetic Surgeries Complaint  29  October
14:50 - 15:00

Hall 2
405 Mohammad Taher Rajabi Workshop: Medico-Legal Considerations of Periocular Cosmetic Surgeries Panel Discussion  29  October
15:30 - 16:00

Hall 2
406 Mohammad Taher Rajabi Workshop: Orbital Inflammatory Disorders Case Presentation and Discussion  30  October
16:30 - 17:30

Hall 2
407 Zhale Rajavi Strabismus Subspecialty Day: New Techniques in Strabismus Surgery Minimally-Invasive Surgery in Strabismus  28  October
08:15 - 08:25

Hall 3
408 Zhale Rajavi Symposium: Approach to Exotropia Management Case Based Discussion  29  October
08:00 - 10:00

Hall 2
409 Zhale Rajavi Workshop: Myopia Prevention Panel Discussion  30  October
14:30 - 16:00

Hall 6
410 Alireza Ramezani Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Surgical Retina Which Tamponade for Vitreous Surgery  28  October
15:10 - 15:20

Hall 2
411 Alireza Ramezani Retina Subspecialty Day: Interesting and Challenging Cases Intresting and Chalenging Case Presentation  28  October
16:30 - 18:00

Hall 3
412 Javad Ranjbari Symposium: Updates on Treatment for Common Retinal Diseases Gene Therapy (Principles and Treatment in Ophthalmic Diseases)  31  October
08:45 - 09:00

Hall 2
413 Reza Razeghinejad Keynote Lectures Tube Shunt Surgery in Glaucoma and its Complications  30  October
09:00 - 09:20

Main Hall
414 Hooman Razmi Workshop: Angle Closure Disease Phaco Tips in Shallow Anterior Chamber  31  October
09:15 - 09:30

Hall 6
415 Leila Rezaei Workshop: Retinal Emergencies Flaoter، Flashing  30  October
14:49 - 14:54

Hall 2
416 Javad Rezaei Workshop: ‏Update on CXL and ICRS CXL  30  October
16:30 - 16:50

Hall 4
417 Hamid Riazi Esfahani Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis /Updates on Medical Retina: Management Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis  28  October
10:30 - 11:30

Hall 2
418 Hamid Riazi Esfahani Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis /Updates on Medical Retina: Management Innovations and Updates in Imaging Choroidal Neovasccularization and Macular Atrophy  28  October
10:30 - 10:40

Hall 2
419 Hamid Riazi Esfahani Retina Subspecialty Day: Interesting and Challenging Cases Intresting and Chalenging Case Presentation  28  October
16:30 - 18:00

Hall 3
420 Hamid Riazi Esfahani Workshop: Ocular Oncology Non-Invasive Multimodal Imaging(IR, FAF, BAF, NIR, FPG, MC) and Key Learning Points of Each Imaging Modality  29  October
16:45 - 17:00

Hall 2
421 Hamid Riazi Esfahani Workshop: OCT and OCTA Interpretation How Can OCT Biomarkers Affect Our Practice in The Field of ARMD?  31  October
14:45 - 15:00

Hall 2
422 Sepehr Roozdar Nursing Program: Pre-operative Information about Different Ocular Surgeries Pre-operative Information about Cataract Surgery  30  October
08:00 - 08:15

Hall 2
423 Ali Akbar Saber Moghaddam Workshop: Imaging in Strabismus MRI in Strabismus, Case Presentation  29  October
16:30 - 16:40

Hall 4
424 Ali Akbar Saber Moghaddam Workshop: Imaging in Strabismus Panel Discussion  29  October
17:36 - 18:00

Hall 4
425 Ali Sadeghi Strabismus Subspecialty Day: Challenging Cases in Strabismus and Neurophthalmology Case Presentation  28  October
11:06 - 11:13

Hall 3
426 Javad Sadeghi Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: IOL Associated Complications of Cataract Surgery Refractive Surprise (Monofocal-Mutifocal-Toric IOLs)  28  October
14:40 - 14:50

Main Hall
427 Motahhareh Sadeghi Workshop: Imaging in Strabismus Interesting Cases  29  October
17:18 - 17:24

Hall 4
428 Ali Sadeghi Nursing Program: Pre & Postoperative Care of Different Ocular Surgeries Pre & Postoperative Consideration of Pediatric Surgeries  30  October
11:15 - 11:30

Hall 2
429 Javad Sadeghi Workshop: Congenital Cataract Epidemiology Genetics ,Classification (Age Of Onset Etiology ,Morphology)  31  October
08:00 - 08:15

Hall 4
430 Motahhareh Sadeghi Symposium: Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology The Swollen Optic Disc in Children  31  October
08:30 - 08:45

Hall 3
431 Ali Sadeghi Symposium: Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology Optic Atrophy in Children  31  October
08:45 - 09:00

Hall 3
432 Javad Sadeghi Workshop: Congenital Cataract Panel Discussion  31  October
09:15 - 10:00

Hall 4
433 Motahhareh Sadeghi Workshop: Oblique Muscle Dysfunction Oblique Dysfunction Mimickers  31  October
15:30 - 15:45

Hall 6
434 Javad Sadeghi Workshop: Phakic IOL Updates in Phakic IOLs (Different Types, Patients Selection, IOL Selection, etc )  31  October
16:30 - 16:45

Hall 2
435 Motahhareh Sadeghi Workshop: Artificial Intelligence Applications of AI in Strabismus and Neuro-Ophthalmology  31  October
17:30 - 17:45

Hall 3
436 Ali Sadeghi Tari Workshop: Orbital Inflammatory Disorders Case Presentation and Discussion  30  October
16:30 - 17:30

Hall 2
437 Ali Sadeghi Tari Workshop: Orbital and Eyelid Trauma Orbit Case Presentation and Panel Discussion  31  October
08:30 - 09:00

Hall 5
438 Mohammad Mahdi Sadoughi Workshop: Complications of Keratopigmentation Keratitis  29  October
16:50 - 17:00

Hall 6
439 Rahim Saffari Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: IOL Associated Complications of Cataract Surgery Postoperative IOL Decenteration and Dislocation  28  October
14:50 - 15:00

Main Hall
440 Rahim Saffari Workshop: Pterygium Surgery Pterygium at a Glance  30  October
14:30 - 14:38

Hall 4
441 Hamid Safi Retina Subspecialty Day: Updates on Medical Retina: Diagnosis /Updates on Medical Retina: Management Dry AMD Treatment: Real-World Results Of Complement Inhibition and New Horizons For Prevention Of Geographic Atrophy  28  October
11:42 - 11:54

Hall 2
442 Hamid Safi Nursing Program: Pre-operative Information about Different Ocular Surgeries Pre-operative Information about Retinal Surgery  30  October
08:45 - 09:00

Hall 2
443 Masoud Sagheb Smart Optik Company (AZIN DID FARAZ NOVIN Co) Introducing Smart Optik Products & Innovations  30  October
14:00 - 14:30

Hall 3
444 Amir masoud Salari Strabismus Subspecialty Day: Challenging Cases in Strabismus and Neurophthalmology Case Presentation  28  October
12:18 - 12:25

Hall 3
445 Samira Salimpour Workshop: Cataract Surgery in Difficult Situations Cataract Surgery in Angle Closure Glaucoma  29  October
16:40 - 16:50

Hall 3
446 Samira Salimpour Workshop: Angle Closure Disease Classification and Mechanisms of Angle Closure Disease  31  October
08:00 - 08:15

Hall 6
447 Soltanhossein Salour Symposium: Periocular Considerations Before Intraocular or Ocular Surface Surgeries Panel Discussion  29  October
16:30 - 18:00

Main Hall
448 Soltanhossein Salour Workshop: Orbital and Eyelid Trauma Eyelid Case Presentation and Panel Discussion  31  October
09:30 - 10:00

Hall 5
449 Ramin Salouti Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: Lamellar Keratoplasty Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Keratoplasty: Advantages and Clinical Benefits  28  October
11:15 - 11:30

Main Hall
450 Ramin Salouti Symposium: updates on Imaging Techniques in Refractive Surgery Case based Discussion  30  October
15:05 - 16:00

Main Hall
451 Ramin Salouti Workshop: Refractive Lenticule Extraction Post Smile Refractive Problems ( Under & Over Correction , Regression)and Management  30  October
17:30 - 17:42

Hall 3
452 Ramin Salouti Workshop: Phakic IOL Case Presentations and Panel Discussion  31  October
17:15 - 18:00

Hall 2
453 Azadeh Samaeili Symposium: Glaucoma Diagnosis Questions & Answers  29  October
09:30 - 10:00

Main Hall
454 Azadeh Samaeili Workshop: When it’s not Glaucoma Nutritional Optic Neuropathy  30  October
17:30 - 17:45

Hall 5
455 Giacomo Savini Workshop: IOL Power Calculation IOL Power Calculation after Myopic LASIK  29  October
14:50 - 15:00

Hall 3
456 Giacomo Savini Workshop: IOL Power Calculation Panel Discussion and Case Presentation  29  October
15:20 - 16:00

Hall 3
457 Mohammad Reza Sedaghat Anterior Segment Subspecialty Day: IOL Associated Complications of Cataract Surgery Panel Discussion  28  October
15:20 - 16:00

Main Hall
458 Mohammad Reza Sedaghat Symposium: Updates on Diagnosis and Management of Keratoconus PMD; Diagnosis and Management  29  October
08:24 - 08:36

Hall 3
459 Mohammad Reza Sedaghat Workshop: Cataract Surgery in Difficult Situations Panel Discussion  29  October
17:10 - 18:00

Hall 3
460 Mohammad Reza Sedaghat Symposium: updates on Imaging Techniques in Refractive Surgery Case based Discussion  30  October
15:05 - 16:00

Main Hall
461 Mohammad Reza Sedaghat Workshop: Refractive Lenticule Extraction Intaoperative Complications and Managements  30  October
17:18 - 17:30

Hall 3
462 Mahla Shadravan Workshop: When it’s not Glaucoma Ischemic Optic Neuropathy  30  October
17:15 - 17:30

Hall 5
463 Mansoor Shahriari Ophthalmic Plastic Subspecialty Day: Update in Oculoplasty Updates on Lacrimal Surgery  28  October
08:05 - 08:30

Hall 5
464 Mansoor Shahriari Ophthalmic Plastic Subspecialty Day: Update in Oculoplasty